Small Business Portfolio Builder | Corporate Photography
The Best Image for your Small Business

Capturing Your Product
Your product is perhaps the most important part of what you do. Sometimes with can be Hand Made Soap or a Model Train, that ee’ll look to capture in a new and Interesting way. Sometimes it will be IT support, and we’ll work with you to ensure we photograph this to best represent your business and it’s ethos.

Business Headshot
Who are you? Your product is good, but what should the Customer choose you over the people 2 clicks down. We’ll introduce your client to you through your headshot. We’re not about being overly posed or photoshopping you to within an inch of your life, we ant it to be you on your best day.
What’s Your Story
Who you are, where you’ve come from, and where you’re going, these are things your customers want to know. We want to help you tell your customers your story, the format that people wrote off that is now flourishing, or eco-gods doing your bit to help save the planet. We’ll plan a number of images for use on your website or social media that introduces the world to your Story and Ethos.

Small Business Videography
While photography remains our first calling, we are able to help with the set-up, production and editing of Talking Heads and Simple Promo Video. Video is great way to directly reach your customers and we’d be happy to discuss your needs and bring in our Media Partners at HNE Media to create some stunning Video Content.